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First Date
Xander paced up and down the sidewalk outside the cemetery gates, trying to pluck up the courage to make his move. He knew from previous conversations that Spike would know he was there once he got within twenty feet or so of the crypt, and he wanted to get a handle on his emotions before he got that close. The last thing he needed was for Spike to pick up on his nervousness and ask why he was so wound up.
It took twenty minutes, and at least a mile of back and forth, for him to talk himself down from his incipient heart attack. He could do this. There was nothing to be scared of. There had been friendly pats on the back, and then friendly pats on the ass, and there had been flirting. He was positive those looks and touches and whispered innuendos counted as flirting, so really, there was nothing to be nervous about. He was just going to march straight up to the door of the crypt and when Spike opened it Xander was going to ask him, straight out, no messing about, just ask. It wasn't like he hadn't done this before. There was Oxnard, after all.
A snarky inner voice that sounded suspiciously like Spike pointed out that mutual hand jobs and a bare five minutes frotting hardly counted as the homosexual relationship of the century. But Xander had learned a lot about himself in that summer evening, it had just taken him a while to come to terms with who he was. And who he wanted.
Before he lost his nerve again, Xander sprinted through the gravestones and hammered on the door.
He blushed, but didn't stutter, when he asked Spike if he'd like to go to the carnival that had set up camp on the edge of town. When Spike said yes, Xander grinned, and barely managed to stop himself from punching the air and doing a victory dance. Then he had to double-check that Spike did know this was a date, right? When Spike answered yes, or words to that effect, Xander raced off home to try and find an outfit not too glaring on the eyes. He had a date!
The carnival was big and loud and colourful and packed with total strangers. It was perfect. Nobody cared if they held hands or stopped to kiss behind the fortune-teller's tent, and so they did all that and more. They shared a foot-long hot dog, cotton candy, and a greasy bag of cheesy fries they drowned in chilli sauce.
A kiss while they were waiting for the Tilt-a-Whirl to move went on so long they never noticed when it did. The laughing and the clapping when the ride slowed to a halt eventually brought them back to earth. Then they made out in the Haunted House, and nearly got arrested in the Love Boat.
Things got a little hairy in the Hall of Mirrors when they realised Spike wasn't the only vampire having fun in there. Several broken mirrors later they were brushing off the dust and trying to make a graceful exit from the gaggle of grateful teenage girls they'd saved.
They decided after that to give the other tents a miss, and settled for a ride on the Ferris Wheel. Spike got very daring and was still on Xander's lap when their car touched down and it was time to disembark. While Xander tried to catch his breath and slow his heart rate down, a whispered conversation and a swift exchange of bills had them still in their car as the wheel turned once more. Then when they reached the top it simply stopped.
When the 'problem' was finally fixed an hour later, Spike almost had to carry Xander to where they'd parked the car, and only brought him back to life by offering to drive. At that the boy had laughed and said he didn't want to die just yet, but thank you. Then he stuffed Spike into the passenger seat and drove them home as quickly as he could. He was really looking forward to his kiss goodnight...
