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The First 'I Love You'
"What the hell did you think you were doing, Pet?"
"Spike, I..."
"You never ever go into Willy's by yourself. You know that! I can't believe you were so bloody stupid!"
"Half the demons in there will kill you as soon as look at you, even if they do know you belong to me."
"I... Wait a minute. Belong to you? What the...?"
"'S a demon thing, Pet. Most of them can't understand why a vampire would keep company with a human, so they see it as more of an ownership thing. Like a pet... Pet."
"Hey! Hey! I'm nobody's pet! I... you call me 'Pet' all the time! Is that...?"
"Stop avoiding the subject, Xander. You went into the Alibi Bar by yourself when you know better! Why?"
"Because I love you, you stupid vampire! Willow called and told me you had a hole in your side she could put her hand through and I freaked! You finished the last of the human blood on Tuesday and Scott isn't rostered on at the blood bank until the weekend. Willy's was the only place I could think of to buy human!"
"Spike? Are you okay?"
"You... love me? Really?"
"I... Wow... I actually said that out loud, didn't I. Um... yeah, Spike. I love you. I... Is that... okay?"
"Don't be such a daft git, Xan. Of course it's okay. It's more than okay. You really love me? William the Bloody? The Big Bad? The Fangless Wonder?"
"I love you. William. The Big Bad. Even the fangy bits. I love you, Spike. All of you."
"Love you too, Xan. You know that, yeah?"
"Do now."
"Good. But you still shouldn't've gone into Willy's by yourself. You broke the rules, Pet, which means you have to be punished..."
"Ooh! Spank me?"
