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First Hobby
Spike loved to watch Xander work in the garage. He'd often slip in from the kitchen, through the adjoining door, just to watch Xander filing, scraping, drilling, and carving as he slowly shaped the wood into something precious and unique.
Most times Xander never seemed to notice that he was being watched; he was so focussed on whatever he was creating at the time. Today, though, when Spike tiptoed in, Xander's head came up immediately, and it made Spike wonder if Xander had been waiting for him to appear.
"You don't have to watch from the door, you know. This place is yours as much as mine. Come here and see what I've been doing." Xander held out a hand, and Spike, feeling strangely shy, walked over and took it.
"Trust you to have a hobby that's hazardous to my health, Pet. One wrong step in here and you'd be sweeping me up with the sawdust."
"The only sharp and pointy things in here, Spike, are my tools. And you've never made a wrong step in your life, I'll bet."
They kissed, and then Xander turned back to his workbench and selected a tiny chair, holding it up for Spike to see.
"Ms Jacobs has decided she wants some colour in the dining set. I'm supposed to paint this chair four different shades of blue so she can decide which one she wants."
Spike looked from the chair to Xan to the chair and then he realised where this conversation was going.
"Oh no. No way. You really thing I'm going to paint some rich bitches' dolls house furniture just because you flutter your eyelashes at me like that?"
The fluttering continued and was joined by a first class pout.
"Please, Spike? You know I can't paint worth a damn. Just do this one, for me? I'm nearly finished with the English dresser but Ms Jacobs wants the chair today so she can sit and study it all weekend and decide which shade works best with the house interior. Pleeeeease, Spike?"
So now the garage was their hobby room, with two workbenches set back to back so they could pass their pieces back and forth while playing footsie underneath. When he ran out of things to paint, Spike would varnish every piece of work that Xan had finished and then look for more.
Painting dollhouse furniture might be a poofy hobby, but it was the first real hobby he'd had and Spike loved it. The fact that he got a cut of the profits was just the cherry on the cake.
If you love your dolls house to excess
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Purveyors of custom-made,
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