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Xander opened his eyes to find himself flat on his back with a very sticky stomach. For two whole seconds he managed to convince himself that he had just experienced the most intensely erotic wet dream of his short life.
And then someone growled in his ear. A very male, very undead, very *terrifying* someone.
"Now we've got the urgent stuff out of the way, Pet, we can take our time and have some *real* fun." Spike reached out from his prone position on the bed next to Xander and tweaked a nipple, grinning widely when the boy's whole body twitched in response. "I must say, luv, I'm really flattered. Can't remember the last time anyone passed out after a wank from me. Makes me wonder whether I should have a nurse standing by for when we *really* get going. I wouldn't want to have to explain to the rest of the Scoobies how I shagged you to death on our first date, as much fun as that sounds."
Spike waved a pale hand in front of Xander's face, trying to get the boy to look away from the ceiling and acknowledge his existence.
"Harris? You still in there? Whelp?" There was no reaction, and Spike thought for a moment, then shrugged.
"Well, if you're not gonna do it, it looks like I'll have to clean you up meself." And without waiting for a response he bent and lapped at the drying ejaculate smeared cross Xander's taut abdomen. The salty sweet taste that was uniquely Xander had Spike hard enough to pound nails before he even had a chance to catch his totally unnecessary breath.
The feel of that rough tongue on his skin snapped Xander out of his stunned disbelief and into an erotically surreal ...nightmare? ...fantasy come true? He forced his eyes down to watch the vampire in his bed Gah! Naked vampire! slowly licking up the milky fluid, eyes closed as he savored each taste, and his sensitized cock gave a twitch of renewed interest.
Spike turned his head slightly, and locked eyes with his prey, watching the boy's chocolate eyes deepen to black as he stretched out his tongue and slowly licked a pearl of come off the tip of the reawakening erection in front of him.
Xander whimpered at the feel of that unnaturally cool tongue on his overheated flesh. He'd never felt anything like it before in his life and gods he wanted more. But it was wrong... wasn't it? He shouldn't be letting the evil undead touch him. Shouldn't be letting the evil undead know just how much he wanted this. Him. That way lay madness. There was no possible way he was going to come out of this unscathed and he was so tired of being used, hurt and tossed aside.
The look of despair on the boys face made Spike pause for a second, and then he was slithering up to lie on top of the warm tanned body, determined to derail any stray thought processes that might distract him. He rolled his hips, cock rubbing against cock, and was pleased by the response it garnered.
"Nnggghhh..." As quickly as that he was beyond speech, beyond thought, beyond anything but feeling. Xander unlocked his fingers from their death grip on the sheet beneath him and slowly lifted them. Spike froze, waiting for the first punch, first shove, and almost whimpered as they touched his skin, hesitant at first; nervous, but without a hint of rejection.
The demon in him roared exultantly as those warm arms wrapped around his back, one hand cradling a sharp shoulderblade, the other pressing hard into the curve at the base of his spine. Xander was holding him like he would never let go and Spike had to swallow the relieved sigh that tried to escape.
Instead, he lowered his head and gently pressed his closed lips to Xander's in a kiss that, had they not been naked, would have seemed practically chaste. It didn't last, of course, but Spike was dimly aware that he had been making some sort of point with that kiss, and from the dazed expression looking back at him it had been received, if not completely understood.