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Xander woke slowly, aware that something momentous had occurred but unable to remember the exact details. There was a weight on his chest, he realised, and concentrated. Legs were tangled with his, and there was a hand tucked under his neck. The weight on his chest and stomach was... He cracked open one eye and peered down. The weight was Spike, draped over him like a blanket.

The night's events flooded back into his suddenly wide-awake mind and Xander shivered in remembered ecstasy. He had... They had... Wow. Moving slowly so as not to wake his blanket, Xander raised a hand and did something he'd always wanted to do. He touched The Hair. The ever-present gel had relaxed its hold sometime during the night's exertions and he was able to thread his fingers through the blond waves, loosening them even more until they were a wild nest of near-white curls. Adorable. And wasn't that the strangest thought he'd ever had about this creature now cradled in his arms.

The creature moved, snuggling closer, burying a cool nose into the angle between shoulder and neck.

"Go back to sleep, Pet. 'S too early."

Xander craned his neck to check the alarm clock.

"It's half past three in the afternoon, Spike. I'm hungry."

Spike knew what time it was. He'd been awake for almost an hour now, luxuriating in the warm and closeness, and certain that as soon as Xander woke he would be out on his own once again, sunshine or no. So he'd lain here, snuggled into warm, muscular arms, and counted heartbeats, each one taking him that little bit closer to the dreaded 'morning after' conversation. And now it was here. Except it apparently wasn't.

"Spike, I gotta pee. Now. And you lying on my bladder isn't helping much." With a quick heave and shuffle, Xander was out from under and off the bed. Spike rolled onto his side and watched his... lover? one night stand? not-quite-enemy? saunter across the room, and wondered if the boy was awake enough to realize he was naked.

By the time Xander emerged from the bathroom, wearing ratty sweatpants that had obviously been rescued from the dirty laundry, Spike was in the kitchen, watching a mug of blood turn pirouettes inside the microwave. He also had another mug in hand, this one filled with coffee, and was holding out a third.

"It's just the way you like it: half a bag of sugar and a cow-full of milk."

Xander scratched absently at his bare chest and studied the naked vampire in his kitchen. Panic had tried to set in while he was washing himself awake, but he'd resisted. He'd spent too long dreaming about this, wishing for this, to freak out now it had actually happened. With a grateful smile he reached out and accepted the proffered mug.


Silence stretched out as they both sipped and tried to pretend they weren't staring. Then the microwave beeped and they both jumped guiltily.

Spike turned to grab his breakfast and looked back to catch Xander staring in slack-jawed awe at his tight, white arse. He flexed, and grinned at the dazed look on the boy's face.

"Wanna go for round two, Pet?"

Xander blinked, blushed, and then visibly shook himself.


Stifling a sigh, Spike drained the mug of blood and leaned back against the counter.

"Or would you rather I buggered off so you can have a panic attack in private?"

"What? No! I... Unless you want to go?" Xander blinked. "Do you?"

"S'not up to me, is it, Pet? I'm the evil undead, me. You're the White Hat with the conscience and the guilt trip building up behind those pretty eyes. 'Sides, it's your place so your rules."

"I..." Xander took a deep breath and tried to ignore his stomach doing back flips. "I... I want you to..." He swallowed around the lump in his throat and scrubbed at his suddenly hot face as he reminded himself of the decision he'd come to in the bathroom just minutes ago.

"I want you. I've wanted you for so damn long now it's a permanent ache, and if you plan on walking out on me after the best sex of my life, you'd better travel far and fast because I know I'll end up coming after you. I'm not giving up this, what I think this could be, not without a fight."

They stood on opposite sides of the kitchen, stunned expressions on both faces, Xander unable to believe he'd actually said it, and Spike unable to believe he'd heard it.

"Bloody hell, Xander, when did you grow a pair of cast-iron knackers? I didn't know you had it in you!"

Xander paled and his shoulders came up as if to protect against a blow, and Spike realized how his comment had been taken. He was across the room and right up in Xander's face in an instant.

"I'm not taking the piss, y' daft git, I'm paying you a compliment! Here I was, all ready for the morning-after conversation from hell, complete with threats of a dusty demise if I ever get within staking distance again or open my mouth to one of your little friends, and you go and say..."

Spike paused and brushed a thumb over Xander's slightly parted lips, then leaned in for a soft kiss.

"What exactly are you saying, luv? Do you want an encore this morning, or a repeat performance next week or next month or whenever that ache you mentioned gets to be too much? Or are you talking about something more permanent... more public, even?"
