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Confessing To The Family
'Willow, I want to tell you I'm in love. I want to tell you that I'm gay, well, bi, and I'm in love and happier than I've ever been before. He makes me laugh, he holds me tight and swears he'll never let go and tells me I belong to him, forever, and I've needed that so much, y'know? I know you understand how much I've needed to belong, to have someone want me enough to say they'll fight for me. And Spike would, y'know? He'd kill. For me.'
"It wasn't me who stole your Barbie, it was Jesse."
"Hey, Buffy..."
'I get it now. That whole loving the undead thing, I mean. Still don't know what you ever saw in Angel, but, yeah, I finally get it. So, even though we've both acted like lovesick idiots over you for several years, I thought I'd better let you know that me and Spike are... close? together? doin' the nasty? talking about that whole biting, claiming, belonging deal? Ouch. TMI. ...'
"Buffster. I, ah..."
'I love Spike. I want you to understand and not try to dust him.'
"Buffy, I broke Mr Pointy yesterday practicing throws. I'll make you another..."
"G-Man, I, ah..."
'I'm sleeping with Spike. I'm pretty sure you understand the guy-on-guy thing, because... Well, you and Ethan Rayne? Not so subtle. Of course, the guy-on-vampire thing is something else entirely. I know you're gonna have trouble accepting that. But, please.... Please don't be disappointed, or disgusted with me. Don't assume that Spike's manipulating me, that he has a plan, he's after Buffy, trying to kill us all again, because he's not. He loves me Giles, and I love him, so please...'
"I dropped some pepperoni on the Latin transliteration of the 'Chronicles of Darkness by D'Kar'. Sorry."