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In April 2004 I joined a community at LiveJournal called Open On Sunday. Each week a 48 hour challenge is issued, around which drabbles can be written in the BtVS/AtS 'verse. I had never drabbled before in my life, but was immediately addicted. The results are listed here below, in challenge order.

The apparently 'missing' drabble sets are in fact part of my Baby!Vamp!Xander 'verse, and have been grouped together on their own page for ease of reference.

One Good Turn... - Set of 4, rating PG13 - Challenge 54: Tori Amos Song Titles

Cutting The Cards - Set of 22, rating NC17 - Challenge 55: Tarot

Coupled - Set of 2, rating R - Challenge 56: Sex

From The Outside In - Set of 6, rating PG-13 - Challenge 57: Minor Characters

Story Of A Book - Set of 6 + an ode, rating G - Challenge 58: Books

Fun And Games - Set of 2, rating PG-13 - Challenge 59: Punishment

Joining Hands - Set of 6, rating G - Challenge 60: Hands

Stops and Starts - Set of 4, rating PG - Challenge 61: Endings

Starting Out - Set of 6, rating PG - Challenge 62: Beginnings

Never Get Old - Set of 14, rating G - Challenge 63: David Bowie Song Titles

My Love - Single drabble, a 100 word poem, rating G - Challenge 64: Poetry

How To Make A Spander Sundae - Set of 4, rating NC-17 - Challenge 65: Ice Cream

Talking It Out - Series of 6, rating NC-17 - Challenge 66: Dialogue Only

Compilation Disc - Set of 10, G - Challenge 67: 80's

A European Tour - Series of 6, rating PG - Challenge 68: Vacation

Watching - Series of 4, rating G - Challenge 69: Eyes

Seven Rings - Series of 7, rating NC-17 - Challenge 70: Rings

Better Late Than Never - Series of 6, rating PG-13 - Challenge 71: Invitations

Breaking Out - Series of 6, rating G - Challenge 72: Patterns

Life Lessons - Series of 8, rating G - Challenge 73: Lessons

A World Tour - Series of 14, rating PG-13 - Challenge 74: Free Week - Extended version of the Vacation series

The Spaces In-Between - Series of 7, rating G - Challenge 75: Silence

You Gotta Have Faith - Series of 4, rating G - Challenge 76: Faith

Take Me Away From All This - Series of 6, rating NC-17 - Challenge 77: Transportation
Apologies to Harry Potter & Dr Seuss fans. No disrespect was intended. ;o)

Confessing To The Family - Series of 3, rating G - Challenge 78: Telling Secrets

Working Together - Series of 4, rating G - Challenge 79: Work

Pleasure and Pain - Series of 6, rating NC-17 - Challenge 80: Weapons
I swear, the song titles just happened...

Tell me about the Slayers, Spike - Series of 4, rating PG13 - Challenge 81: Slayers Who Are Not Buffy

Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow - Series of 4, rating PG13 - Challenge 82: Shakespeare, His Quotes, His Plays

Playing Together (sequel to Working Together) - Series of 4, rating PG13 - Challenge 83: Play

Playing Dress-Up - Series of 4, rating PG13 - Challenge 84: Trick or Treat

To Die For - Series of 10, rating R for sex and undeath - Challenge 85: Sickness/Illness

Just Watch - Series of 7, rating PG - Challenge 86: Watching

The Long Way Home - Series of 4, rating PG13 for drug reference - Challenge 87: Journeys

Banana Sundae - Single drabble, rating NC-17 - Challenge 88: Eating or Food

Into the Future - Series of 4, rating R for violent images - Challenge 89: Time

Never a Slip Twixt Cup and Lip - Series of 4, rating PG13 - Challenge 90: Liquids

Together Forever - Series of 5, rating NC-17 - Challenge 91: Celebration

The Gift That Keeps On Giving - Series of 8, rating PG13 - Challenge 92: Gifts or Presents

Hairy Thoughts - Series of 4, rating PG13 - Challenge 93: Hair

Lost - Series of 7, rating R - Challenge 94: Loss or Lost

Expect the Unexpected - Series of 2, rating PG - Challenge 95: Unexpected

Sleeper - Series of 3, rating PG13 - Challenge 96: Sound

Lost Opportunities - Series of 4, rating PG13 - Challenge 107: Rewrites