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First Anniversary
Xander had slipped out while Spike was sleeping, confident he'd be back before he was missed. It didn't quite work out that way, and now it was nearly dusk and he'd just got home.
He juggled bags and one large box as he tried to unlock the door, vainly hoping that his lover had decided to sleep in, just this once. His hopes, such as they were, were dashed when the apartment door was thrown open to reveal a pouting, rumpled vampire in a snit.
"I woke up and you were gone, you git. You didn't even bother to leave a note. I know you weren't at work, cos I called and checked, so, where've you been?"
"I had to go and pick... something up and it took longer than I thought. It took me two whole hours to find the... stuff I needed in Sunnydale. I thought that I'd be back before you woke up, and then I got a puncture."
As Xander spoke he nudged past Spike, who trailed him to the kitchen, darting curious looks at the packages in his arms.
"What was so bloody important you had to sneak out, Pet?"
Xander placed the box on the counter and then stepped back, keeping a firm hold on the bags.
"Happy anniversary, Spike."
He had the joy of watching blue eyes open so wide he was afraid they might tumble out, and the mouth that more often smirked or sneered was now a perfect 'O' of surprise. Xander loved being able to make Spike react like this, and gifts did it every time. His vampire needed pampering more often, he decided.
"It's... what is it, Pet?" Spike had lifted the lid and was peering down onto white enamel.
"Take it out of the box, doofus, and you'll see."
That earned him a tiny snarl but then Spike was too busy shredding the box to get at the gift inside.
"An ice cream freezer? You bought me an ice cream freezer for our first anniversary? Not exactly traditional, is it?"
Xander shrugged and sent a tiny smile Spike's way.
"Months ago you told me about having ice cream for the first time as a kid in England. You said it was nothing like the chemical crap they sell today. It had real cream and real vanilla. You could see little black dots that were vanilla seeds."
As he explained, Xander pulled eggs, sugar, milk and cream from the bags he'd been holding on to. Then he slipped a hand into his pocket and pulled out two real vanilla pods and held them out on his palm.
"I wanted to give you something special. If we were married you'd be stuck with something cotton or paper, but we're not. So, I got to choose the present and I chose something from your childhood. Well, kind of." Xander paused, and grinned. "I nearly bought one of the really old-fashioned freezers with the hand crank, but neither of us have got the patience for that, so I got an electric one instead. I printed the recipe out at the library so, if you want to be traditional about it, that can be your anniversary gift and we'll share the ice cream freezer."
Spike pounced, and then there was no breath left for talking and no mouth free to form any words. When they separated, Xander was gasping for air and clinging to Spike to keep himself upright.
"Wow. So, you like it then?"
"Git. You know I do. Just don't go telling anyone why you bought it, yeah? They'll think the Big Bad's gone soft in the head or something." Spike pressed another hard kiss against Xander's still parted lips. "But thanks, Pet. It's the sweetest thing anyone's ever done for me."
Spike reached back and dug a hand into the rear pocket of his jeans, pulling out a slightly crumpled envelope.
"I went traditional, Xan, I hope you don't mind too much."
It was Xander's turn to gape. "I didn't think you'd remembered..."
"When I woke up alone I figured you'd forgotten, or never even thought about it, and I was going to wait until the last minute so you couldn't sneak out to buy me something and then I'd give you this and you'd feel so guilty you'd promise just about anything to make it up to me." Spike grinned evilly and waggled his eyebrows, leaving Xander to conclude that his 'apology' would have had him walking funny for days. They'd have to talk more about that later, but first...
He slid a finger carefully under the flap of the envelope and teased it open, drawing out the anticipation just to see Spike bounce impatiently on his toes.
"Get on with it, y' daft git!"
The glue gave way and Xander slid the twin rectangles of card out of their paper prison. His jaw almost hit the floor.
"Angry Monkeys? You got us tickets to see the Angry Monkeys in LA? These tickets are rarer than gold dust! How did you manage to get hold of them?" Now it was Xander who was bouncing, reminding Spike of a hyperactive puppy.
"The demon who owns the club owed the Poof a favour or two. I made a call; he made a call; an envelope arrived at The Magic Box addressed to me. Simple."
Xander's expression turned from excited to stunned in a heartbeat. He looked down at the tickets in his hand and then back up at Spike.
"You called Angel?"
Spike shrugged. "I knew how much you wanted to see them play, Xan. You bought two copies of their CD so you could keep one in your car. I don't think you've listened to anything else for months. So, I made a call. The Poof owes me at least a couple of concert tickets. Oh, and he's paying for a fancy hotel suite while we're there as well." The innocent expression Spike adopted with that announcement was enough to make Xander nervous.
"Why what?" Innocence just didn't sit well on that beautiful pale face, and Xander folded his arms across his chest and glared.
"Why did Angel agree to pay for a hotel suite when he has a hotel of his own?"
"It's simple, Pet. I explained that when we get to LA we'll need a place to stay so we can enjoy the concert and then have loud, prolonged, celebratory sex all weekend. He said he'd pay us not to stay with him at the Hyperion. I told him to book us a suite somewhere fancy and promised we wouldn't darken his doorstep while we were in town."
Matching evil grins were exchanged.
"So, in other words, we go to the concert, live off room service for the weekend, then drop in on Angel and drive him crazy before we come home?"
"Got it in one, Pet. I'll make a demon of you yet."
Home made Vanilla ice cream recipe:
4 egg yolks, 1/2 pint (250ml) milk, 1/2 pint (250ml) double/heavy cream, 4 oz (100g) sugar or caster sugar, 2 teaspoons vanilla extract (or according to taste - everyone's different!)*
Split the vanilla pod(s) and place them in a pan with the milk.
Bring the milk slowly up to boiling point.
In a large bowl, mix together the egg yolks and sugar until thick.
Remove the vanilla pods and slowly pour the milk into the bowl, stirring continuously.
Pour the mixture back into the pan and heat gently, stirring until it has thickened. Do NOT bring to the boil.
When a film forms over the back of the spoon it is ready to be removed from the heat.
Leave to cool.
When it is cold, stir in the cream, then put the whole mixture into the ice cream maker and follow the manufacturer's instructions.
*I substituted vanilla pods for the vanilla essence, because it's just not real vanilla ice cream without those little black dots.
