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First House

Spike had found the house while he was out searching for a new vampire nest that Clem had mentioned the previous night at the weekly poker game. It was old and run-down, and the lot was completely overgrown, leading him to believe the place hadn't been occupied for years. But it was less than five minutes walk from the beach, and about 30 feet away from an unusually large storm drain entrance that he'd bet his poker winnings the old Mayor had had a hand in putting there.

At one point they'd nearly lost it when another buyer had made a better offer; one they just couldn't afford to better. But that deal had fallen through and the real estate office had called them to say it was theirs if they still wanted it.

And, after what seemed like almost no time at all and forever, all at once, it was theirs. Well, Xander's, technically, because Spike's name on the mortgage papers would have caused more questions than they could answer, but they knew the truth. It was theirs, their first real home together.

Xander had spent every spare minute he could find in the last three months making repairs, replacing floorboards, bracing up the porch steps, planing the doors and frames down until they no longer stuck or squeaked. And then they had gone shopping.

The credit cards in Xander's wallet may never recover, but their individual personalities were now indelibly stamped on the house. Surprisingly, there was very little leather in evidence, just the sofa and matching armchairs. The carpets were deep plush because they bother preferred wandering about with bare feet, and they had picked up floor cushions in contrasting colours because they didn't relish the idea of carpet burns.

They had spent hours poring over colour charts and fabric samples, making sure to hide all evidence from the girls so they didn't get accused of anything unmanly. But eventually everything had come together to create their perfect new home, and the time had come to take the final step...


The housewarming party had finally wound down half an hour ago and the Scoobies had sleepily piled into Giles' new car so he could drive them to their various homes. After what seemed like days of shrieks and giggles and questions about who picked the colour scheme and how much did the carpet cost per square yard and was the sofa real leather, Spike and Xander were glad to have the house to themselves again.

Shreds of brightly coloured gift-wrap littered the dark green carpet in a wide circle around the proud new homeowners who were sprawled in a tangle on the floor cushions between the sofa and the coffee table.

On the table sat a strange array of house-warming gifts. The set of three art deco tap-dancing penguin figurines had come from Dawn, who swore they were the latest thing in interior design. They loved them anyway. The small box of charmed coins was from Willow and Tara, who promised that, when placed at doorways and windows, the coins would protect the house, and its inhabitants, from bad luck and bad magicks. The cut glass decanter and glasses, along with a 40-year-old bottle of malt scotch, had come from Giles, who had also brought along a younger bottle to be shared during the party.

Buffy's gift sat inconspicuously among the others, but it was the one that both men were studying silently.

"I can't believe she gave us that, Spike. I mean... even when she explained why, I still couldn't believe she'd..."

"I know, Xan. I was shocked too, but I think she needed to prove that she accepted us being together after all the time she's spent trying to break us up, accusing you of going behind her back, and taking up with the enemy and all that. Remember, she even made Willow and Giles check to make sure I hadn't had you spelled. After all that she probably thought she needed to do something this big to make amends."

"I know, Spike, but... she gave us Mr Pointy!" The well-worn piece of wood submitted silently to their continuing stares.

"I know, Pet. She said she wouldn't feel right keeping it now she can't threaten me with it."

Xander planted a kiss on Spike's nose and nuzzled into his stiffly gelled hair.

"While you were in the kitchen getting ice she told me she loved us both, but she needed to know I would have at least one stake in the house, just in case, and she trusted Mr Pointy to do whatever was necessary."

Spike squirmed until he was sitting in Xander's lap, and then leaned in for a long, deep kiss.

"Let's leave the mess until tomorrow, eh, Pet? We've still got a lot of places to christen before this house is completely ours. We haven't shagged on these cushions yet..."
