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Xander's eyes flickered back and forth behind closed lids as the dream that had tormented him for months began to unwind once again...

The sheet lifted away from his almost naked body, and cool hands eased his boxers down to mid-thigh, carefully avoiding groinal contact. One cool breath fanned across his highly sensitised skin and then came the feel of a rough tongue slowly tracing his length, from root to circumcised tip. His hips twitched reflexively. Gods, it felt real! He could feel inhumanly powerful fingers pressing against his belly to hold him down firmly on the mattress as he tried to thrust into the mouth he knew hovered a fraction of an inch above his throbbing, seeping flesh. He could smell the potent mixture of aged leather, smoke and blood that somehow managed to have him hard and oh-so-ready for anything before he even saw the target of his desire.

The pounding on the door had him snapping awake, cursing even as he struggled into a pair of pyjama bottoms. His reaction was automatic. After living for two long decades on the Hellmouth, he knew that a late night knock on the door usually spelled trouble, which meant Buffy and slayage and sharp pointy things and... He threw open the door... and he really had to install a peephole so he could at least make sure it was Buffy or Willow or Giles before he died a slow painful death after opening the door to a demon.

The demon on his doorstep planted a hand in the middle of his chest and simply pushed forward until he was inside, then slammed the door and plastered Xander flat up against it... and himself flat up against Xander, one hand buried in dark chocolate hair, the other dancing fingertips in the sensitive crease of hip and thigh.

A long slow sniff was followed by an exultant growl and a hard grind of hips.

"Dreaming of me, weren't you, pet? I can smell it on you. Could smell those pheromones before I even got to your door, boy. You should be careful 'bout that, never know who might come sniffin' around. Don't want some strange demon carrying you off to its lair, now do you? Not when we're about to get... acquainted."

Xander opened his mouth to speak and, "Gah..." Spike's fast, agile hand tugged the pjs down, swiftly gaining access to the prize hidden inside, and with no more than a wickedly purred "Now, where were we?" his cock was gripped in a cool, tight fist that skilfully worked him to a shuddering climax in under a minute.
