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The first touch of a cool, slick finger shocked an undignified yelp from Xander, along with a full body twitch that had Spike grinning.
"Like that, do you?"
Not giving him a chance to respond, Spike pushed firmly against the tight ring of muscle, and groaned softly as the digit slipped into tight, dry heat. Xander whimpered, and the sound had Spike closing his eyes as he fought to control the urge to move up, and in, forcing out more heady, arousing, noises. He concentrated on the sensation surrounding his finger, slowly working another, and more lube, into the virgin passage.
Xander was completely incapable of forming anything even vaguely resembling words, and only hoped his random sounds were being correctly translated as grunts and whimpers of encouragement. He couldn't believe he had someone's fingers up his ass and he was enjoying it, wanting it to continue until he was unable to remember ever not being touched like this.
Spike added a third finger and Xander tensed for a moment at the intrusion, the burning stretch, the almostpain. And then he relaxed into it, only to tense again, and scream, when Spike's fingers brushed against something inside him that sent sparks flying from every nerve ending.
"That's your prostate, Pet. Useful little bugger. Makes this whole thing so much more fun." Spike grinned, and stroked the tiny button again, riding out the shudders that shook the warm body beneath him.
"Are you ready for me now, eh?" He eased his fingers out of their tight, pulsing prison, and moved up, lifting the boy's thighs and positioning Xander's hands to hold them in place. "Are you ready to feel me inside you, stretching you, filling you?"
As he spoke, Spike grabbed the lube again and quickly prepared himself, but made no further move to continue.
"Xander, answer me. Are you ready for this? Do you want this?" Do you want me?
The frantic nod and high keening whine seemed to be the only response he was going to get, but it was enough, and with a thankful groan, Spike lined himself up and pressed forward, stopping only when the head of his cock was fitted snugly inside the tight ring of muscle.
Xander was almost hyperventilating. He'd never felt anything remotely like this: filled, taken, completely overwhelmed. The edge of pain only added to the powerful sensations that were swamping his senses. And Spike had stopped. Why had he stopped?
Unable to produce words, Xander used body language, pushing back against Spike, and suddenly the vampire was moving again, pushing forward, in, until that hard, cool, length was completely inside and Xander felt finally complete.
Spike paused for a moment, buried balls deep in hot, living flesh, and fought the tremors that shook his body. It had been so long, too long, since he'd felt anything like this and for the unlife of him he couldn't remember why he hadn't done this sooner.
And then he was moving, pulling back and slamming forward, over and over again, until all sense of time and identity was lost. Close to the edge, Spike shifted his weight onto one hand and with the other began to pump Xander's weeping erection in time with his thrusts.
The sensation of another's hand stroking him off, on top of the rhythmic thrusting inside him, sent Xander over the edge into a screaming orgasm like nothing he had ever previously experienced, and his whole body pulsed and clenched, drawing Spike along with him into his own howling climax.
Xander's eyes fluttered open when he felt Spike pull out and move to lie along his right side, one arm and leg draped possessively over his wrung out body.
The whispered accolade was a like benediction to Spike's ears. He'd been expecting awkward silence, or mumbled excuses and a bum's rush out the door.
Wary blue eyes were ensnared by the stunned, joyful expression on Xander's face.
"Wow." Xander struggled to lift his arm and clumsily draped it around Spike's shoulders, pulling him into a loose hug. "Wow."
And that quickly, he was asleep.