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Xander tried hard to focus on the aged text on the desk in front of him, but he couldn't stop his mind from wandering. He knew what frottage was now, oh yes indeedy. The memory of it was playing havoc with his blood pressure and he was certain he had a dopey grin on his face that stretched from ear to ear, though nobody seemed to have noticed it. He'd never in his life felt anything quite like the slide of cock against cock, one cool, one hot, both hard as iron beneath amazingly soft skin that rubbed and dragged, building friction into frenzy until they'd both come, just seconds apart.
He could still feel the press of Spike sprawled along him, skin to skin from toes to lips, because Spike hadn't stopped kissing him, not once during the whole thing, and to Xander that was even more erotic than the frottage. Not that that hadn't been amazing, but he'd always felt that kissing was somehow special, and he hadn't really spent that much time lip to lip with anyone since his closet encounters with Cordelia. Anya had always been more interested in interlocking parts, and kissing prevented her from issuing instructions on the best way to provide her with orgasms, so the lip work had been reserved for befores and afters, and somehow there always seemed to be something else she had to do instead of cuddling and smooching.
It wasn't that he hadn't loved Anya, he told himself guiltily, it was just that he'd exhausted himself trying to make her happy, and somehow still managed to fail. When she had finally decided she wanted to get as far away from the Hellmouth as it was possible to get, which to her meant moving to Manhattan for the business opportunities, he had actually been surprised by her request that he leave with her, and he'd gently sat her down and asked if that was what she really wanted or just what she thought he wanted her to say. She'd answered with a question of her own.
"If Spike was the one who was leaving, and he'd asked you to go with him, you'd be packed already, wouldn't you?" And then she'd leaned across the gulf that lay between them, kissed him gently on the cheek and told him very sweetly that he had a nasty habit of talking in his sleep.
After dropping that little bombshell she'd stood, with every intention of leaving, but Xander had managed to catch hold of one of her hands to pull her back down onto the sofa.
"Anya, I didn't... I mean, I never... I wouldn't..."
She'd watched him stutter into silence and then smiled, bittersweet.
"Xander, look what happened the last time you cheated. One kiss from Willow and your girlfriend ended up with a new hole and everyone was so hurt by it you were feeling guilty for months! Just the idea of cheating has you breaking out in a cold sweat and apologising. Of course I know you and Spike haven't been having orgasms together, but that doesn't mean you don't want to. Every time you start talking in your sleep I get all hot and bothered. Haven't you ever wondered why I wake you up at least once a night for sex? And how come you never talked to me like that when we were in bed? I know you'd never be unfaithful to me Xander, and not only because you know I'm still friends with Hallie, but I don't think I can marry you and spend every night in bed listening to you make love to someone else. Not even someone as pretty as Spike. I even thought about asking if you wanted to invite him to join us, but you would have blushed just as much as you are doing now and tried to apologise for dreaming about him and that would have been just too sad. So I'm off to Manhattan to make lots of money and to find someone else to have orgasms with. Don't spend too long sitting around panicking or Spike might think you don't want him any more. He does know how much you watch him. I think he's enjoying it."
And then she'd thanked him for being her friend and she'd left him sitting there, too stunned to even watch her leave.
A kick to his ankle dragged Xander's attention back to the present, and he looked up, straight into Tara's amused gaze. When she cut her eyes off to one side, towards Spike, and then looked back at him, Xander's own eyes widened in shock. His mouth was already open, though he didn't have the first clue what he was about to say, when she winked at him pressed a finger to her lips.
It looked like their secret was out...